Marsha Wilson Chall

Marsha Wilson Chall


For Mar­sha’s most up-to-date appear­ances, vis­it her author Face­book page.

Upcoming Appearances

Mar­sha will be vis­it­ing schools dur­ing March and April, 2023.

Speaking at Schools and Conferences

Vis­it my Speak­ing page to learn more, then send me an e‑mail through my Con­tact page.

Learn More about Writing

Ready to Write for Chil­dren & Young Adults? Learn more about the master’s pro­gram I wish had been around thir­ty years ago for me. I’ve been for­tu­nate to men­tor emerg­ing writ­ers in Ham­line University’s Mas­ter of Fine Arts in Writ­ing for Chil­dren & Young Adults for the past fif­teen years.

Marsha Wilson Chall
Marsha Wilson Chall