Teacher Resources
“Strategic Thinking,” introduction to a text by Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis called Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension to Enhance Understanding, pages 3–4. Stenhouse Publishers, 2000.
“Learning Strategies for Up North at the Cabin,” contributed by Lowell Eberwein
“Reading: a Family Tradition, Sharing the Books of Marsha Wilson Chall,” prepared for Author Day & I Love to Read Celebration, Jan/Feb 2003, contributed by Marita Legreid, Jane Richards, Tere Kranz, Glenda Peak, Nancy Danneker, Pat Schultz, Sharon Brown, Jane Harris, Nancy Techam from Pinecrest Elementary School in Hastings, Minnesota
“Suggested Author Visit,” prepared under the direction of Cathy Retzer, Media Specialist, Medford Area Elementary School, Medford, WI