Marsha Wilson Chall

Marsha Wilson Chall

Teacher Resources

Strate­gic Think­ing,” intro­duc­tion to a text by Stephanie Har­vey and Anne Goud­vis called Strate­gies That Work: Teach­ing Com­pre­hen­sion to Enhance Under­stand­ing, pages 3–4. Sten­house Pub­lish­ers, 2000.

Learn­ing Strate­gies for Up North at the Cab­in,” con­tributed by Low­ell Eberwein

Read­ing: a Fam­i­ly Tra­di­tion, Shar­ing the Books of Mar­sha Wil­son Chall,” pre­pared for Author Day & I Love to Read Cel­e­bra­tion, Jan/Feb 2003, con­tributed by Mari­ta Legreid, Jane Richards, Tere Kranz, Glen­da Peak, Nan­cy Dan­nek­er, Pat Schultz, Sharon Brown, Jane Har­ris, Nan­cy Techam from Pinecrest Ele­men­tary School in Hast­ings, Minnesota

Sug­gest­ed Author Vis­it,” pre­pared under the direc­tion of Cathy Ret­zer, Media Spe­cial­ist, Med­ford Area Ele­men­tary School, Med­ford, WI

Marsha Wilson Chall and Bonaparte