Marsha Wilson Chall

Marsha Wilson Chall

A Secret Keeps

Before a week­end vis­it to his grand­par­ents’ farm, a lit­tle boy dis­cov­ers that his grand­pa has a secret wait­ing for him. ”Gram­pa, what’s the secret,” he asks, but all Gram­pa will say is, ”Find­ers keepers.”

Is the secret in the barn? With the chick­ens? Hid­ing in the corn? When the boy final­ly dis­cov­ers the answer, he real­izes that a secret is indeed for keeping.


This is a beau­ti­ful sto­ry of a secret, a spe­cial secret that Grand­pa was sav­ing for a lit­tle boy. The exquis­ite prose and the gor­geous art­work mesh per­fect­ly to cre­ate a gen­tle, mem­o­rable tale. The dreamy, inquis­i­tive look on the lit­tle boy’s face made me smile as I imag­ined his excite­ment build­ing up the clos­er he got to Grand­pa’s and the spe­cial secret that was await­ing him. The mag­i­cal times of child­hood came alive with every turn of the page as the lit­tle blond mop-topped boy explored his Grand­pa’s farm. This is one spe­cial sto­ry that will be cher­ished and read time and time again! (Vine Voice)

A Secret Keeps

illus­tra­tor, Heather Solomon
Car­ol­rho­da Books, 2012
ISBN 978–0‑76135–5939
ages 5 and up
32 pages

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